-Animals and their homes-

-Animals and their homes-

The environmental impacts on bushfires in Australia
Pollution is taking over our animals’ homes and their homes are getting polluted with polluted air and is not very healthy , but some animals are dying due to the cause of plastic and other objects.
Some animals like the koala and sloths live in trees which are known to be poisonous in Australia. Their trees burn down due to the cause of the fires. The smoke from the fire can cause major damage to the animals that live in the trees.

The environmental impact of pollution on sealife
Animals can choke on plastic bottles in the sea, such as seagulls,turtles and jellyfish that can get caught up in a net or bottle holders. Our sea life is in danger, but unfortunately some animals are dying and it is unfair.In my opinion i think we should help around and try to at least pick up rubbish so it doesn’t cause damage to our sea life,other things that don’t belong in the ocean or nature we should pick up and throw it in the bin.


my kiwiana

Kiwis are rare flightless birds that are very native to New Zealand.Kiwis are traditional to New Zealand.Kiwis are unusual birds especially since it’s flightless,but kiwi is known that it is both endangered and protected but are slowly going extinct.Also the name kiwi is also a name for New Zealanders,kiwi are known to search for food at the night and sleep during the day.Did you also know that the kiwi eggs are about 120 millimeters long and 80 millimeters in diameters.

My Trip To Te Oro

Hi so today at Te oro we learnt about lots of fascinating things. There was three work stations,one was the harakeke which means weaving the second one was uku that was the one i went in,it was learning how to draw maori patterns and make patterns with clay,we also learnt about what the stars represent and what they are.the third station was rock painting,the rock paint i forgot the maori name for it.It was very fun for my station because i got to learn about what each patterns represented.the first pattern was about a plant the was very native to New zealand,that pattern was called the piko pattern,the second pattern was about a shark.

The shark was called a hammerhead shark the pattern was at level two it was hard but not that hard,the second pattern was an ango that represented a shell that was at a level three,which was hard but i managed,the second level was a level 4 that was very hard because you had to make straight lines and im very bad at making straight lines it was like a diamond but transformed into lots of triangles that was very hard for me but it represented the eight pillars of knowledge.

Straight after we drew our designs we talked about what the stars represented,so apparently waiti and waita are twins because waiti represents fresh water and waita represents the ocean water,wai-puna-rangi represents rain like thing,like snow or hail or rain.tupu-a-nuku represents the plants that grow in the ground like potatoes kumara and carrots also.tupu-a-rangi represents the plants that grow above the ground like apples or oranges or berrys.pohutukawa represents the people that have passed.

Hiwa-ite-rangi represents your wishes.ururangi represents the air or wind.matariki is the mother of all the stars and looks after them.after we learnt about what the stars represent whaea Tiare handed out clay and we modelled it into a pattern on our paper or we just did our own but i made a ango it took me very very long and it was annoying but it looked really pretty. When we were done we showed our work and what we learnt,then two people said our thanks and we did a little waiata and took our art and we went back to school.